Friday, October 08, 2010

These two photos of Bear Mtn were taken from just east of the Galankin Island dock. The first on the 6th, the second this morning. The weather is cooler at sea level as well, I've been building fires in the wood stove for about two weeks now. This year I'm trying to primarily use wood instead of electricity, not because of the cost, but because I'm finding the ritual of building a fire when I get home to be rather enjoyable. Good thing Ian chopped a lot of wood when he was home otherwise, this ritual might not be so easy to maintain.


Jonathan said...

Have you done any practice with your bow drill recently?

Kitty said...

Not exactly, my fire ritual might take a bit more time each evening. I'll admit that it might be a richer ritual, so maybe I should come home earlier from work one of these days and give it a try

Jonathan said...

Once you're proficient it should only take a couple of minutes to get a friction fire going (with a kit already prepared). And before you reach proficiency, the activity will keep you warm even if it doesn't get you a fire :) You could try bowdrill for 15 minutes before going to the thumbdrill.

Kitty said...

Thanks for the pep talk. I've decided to bring the fire kit into the house (its been in the greenhouse) and endeavor to practice working with the bow drill every night when I set out to build a fire.